It has been 2 weeks now after the rectification works is done and there is no more irritating sound. But before I can rest with my verdict, there are silly things which is not supposed to happen if the service centre is having a good quality control and follow whatever standard they have for a good maintenance and repair practice...
The works is taking more than a week but the result does pays off. After several test drive and confirm that it is due to the body knocking, my ride was taken to the panel body shop behind the service centre.
To correct it, they have to remove the front bumper, fender and headlamp... it is really sad to see my ride without these thing..

Sadly, it does not ends there.. The night I took my car from the service centre, I went out testing it further and it is not far before I heard the rubbing sound. Front side of the plastic wheel cover, which is not installed properly had fell down and touched the road, adding to my surprise, most of the clips is also not installed..
Got to make another trip to SC to replace this part..

Just when I thought that everything is now in order, another sound is heard. This time, it is due to a misplaced part inside the fender, flapping against the body and fender..
Another trip to SC to make it right..
No matter how good they solve the problems, it all goes to drain.. poor workmanship by the panel body shop does affected the service centre reputation.
I can see that there is a lot of vehicle under repair in the same shop and wonder what would be the issue faced by the owner when they have their ride back.
Mileage: 63849
Wah..consider their trouble shooting is very good.Must find a way to check that area on my ride... can check with Mr. Lee or Mr. Ravi, just be careful if the works is done by the panel body shop.