Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hyundai Elantra / Avante X20 - Aircond Cabin Filter

Its been a while since I received the filter but am too lazy to put it in. The filter is suppose to be replaced at every 15K km and I'm doing it after 80K km hehehe.

For tutorial on how to replace the Aircond cabin filter for Elantra/Avante X20, you can go here.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hyundai Elantra / Avante X20 - Squeaking Sound from Head Unit Cover

I'm getting annoyed by the squeaking sound from the head unit cover. I notice that the cover looks like it was not installed properly and I have to push it in.. the sounds gone for a while but then, it happens again.

I believe most of the X20 owner have the same problems and don't be surprise when you remove the head unit cover, only 4 out of 8 clips were there (Wonder why another 4 is missing..hmmm)

Top of the cover (only 2 clips installed - 1 & 4, the remaining 2 missing) the same goes at the bottom

Not to prolong the issue, I just bought another 4 clips and have it installed.. and so far, I'm satisfied with the result.


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