I went to Hyundai Service Centre this morning to replace 1 of last weeks' broken wheel bolt.
Thought that the bolt change out would be simple and fast but it isn't so.

While loosing the wheel nut, one of it stuck and as the mechanic tries to undo it, the bolt broken. Hmm another bolt need to be replaced, at the same wheel (Front, Driver side).

It doesn't make sense, two bolts broken within a week for a car that less than a year old? Is it really due to over tightening of the nut as claimed for the 1st bolt? if so, how come the same problems occurred when it is installed by the claimant it self? or it is simply because of the bolt itself? Low quality of material?

Puzzled with the outcome, and after seeking an advise from a friend, I've decided to change all 5 bolts instead of just 2. At least I can rest assure that all bolts are brand new and the same problems will not be repeated again.

I have also asked the mechanic to check on the remaining wheels and it is observed that all the bolts to the remaining wheels are in good condition and still shining compared to the one that having the problem now.
I discussed the issue with the Service Manager, we agreed that I have to pay for the parts and he will not charge on the labour since this part is not covered under warranty.
As I thought it is over and I can wait and rest while they re-install the components, another problem comes out and this time it is the bearing. The bearing jammed when the try to press the spool with the bolt to its place. I could not bear the news and just leave it to them to resolve it...
Bro Ritzzuan.. Thank you for the advise.